Yesterday, also is 2012-9-17 Monday, our company receive another large smart glass order from Russian customers , undergo more than three months of negotiations , the customer finally signed a value of over 330 million contract of smart glass yesterday.
We meet this customer on the spring Canton fair this year, that time he just simply asked the basic price of our products, and then looked at some samples on our booth, and in the subsequent follow-up, there is no specific reply, until the first email on 12th June expand the more than 3 months negotiations of smart glass with this client.
After he asked the principle, application conditions, prices and all aspects of the products,the customer want to visit our factory. After two days of observing and understanding,the customer ultimately signed a contract this smart glass.
Currently, due to the high scientific and technological content of smart glass, so that customers can switch off and on between transparent and opaque, greatly stimulated the interest of users. The smart glass widely used for office partitions, hotels, guesthouses bedroom, villas, luxury apartments, doors and windows, and so on. Up until now, our company reached more than 80 million yuan of smart glass from sales and production, combined the large engineering orders this year, at the end of the year is expected to exceed 1.5 million.
Links: Privacy Glass Electronic Glass Smart Glass Hangzhou Decoration Company Beijing Decoration Company Beijing Print
Main products:Privacy Glass,Smart film,electricity-control Glass,electronic glass,screen glass,energized glass,insulated glass,laminated glass
Zhejiang Gaoming Glass Co.,Ltd. Zhe ICP Base Band Unit05042284